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Going to Hajj? Create Your Will Today

 Posted on July 14, 2017 in Estate Planning

last will and testament, Hajj,  DuPage County estate planning attorneys, Illinois intestate laws, pilgrimageDo you have a last will and testament? Hajj 2017 begins the evening of Wednesday, August 30 and ends the evening of Monday, September 4. Each year, millions of Muslims from around the world participate in the five-day Hajj pilgrimage. Indeed, as an article in the Independent suggests, about two million Muslims are likely to participate in the pilgrimage this year to Mecca. Given that Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam, all Muslims who are able to make the pilgrimage are required to do so at least once.

Since the pilgrimage comes with physical challenges and requires travel to Saudi Arabia, it is important to have your affairs in order before going to Hajj. As such, if you are planning on going for Hajj, you should speak with a Muslim trusts and estates lawyer in DuPage County today to get started on this process.

Why Should I Create a Will Before Going to Hajj? 

The journey to Hajj can be a difficult one, and for many Muslims it is a final journey. As with any type of travel, an unexpected accident can happen, or other medical complications can ensue. At Farooqi & Husain Law Office, we know that numerous members of the Muslim community will go to Hajj just once in their lifetimes, and that many plan this pilgrimage as a final act.

In the event that the Hajj is your final journey, it is important to have a valid will to ensure that your assets and possessions are handled in the appropriate manner. Islam specifies that, if you have anything to bequest, you should have a last will and testament. Without a last will and testament, your belongings can be subject to the laws of the state of Illinois, which often do not coincide with the practices of Islam. As such, you should begin drafting your will as soon as possible.

Illinois Intestacy Laws and the Importance of Having a Last Will and Testament

If you are going to Hajj, creating a will can ensure that your possessions are distributed according to Shari’ah. Without a will, the Illinois Probate Act of 1975 (755 ILCS 5/) will require that your property is distributed according to what is known as intestate laws of Illinois. Intestate succession typically does not follow Islamic law, distributing property to surviving family members in a manner deemed appropriate by the state legislature.

To avoid having your property bequeathed according to Illinois intestate laws, it is necessary to have a last will and testament in which you specify that your property should be distributed in a particular manner that adheres to Islamic law.

Contact a DuPage County Estate Planning Attorney to Begin Preparing Your Will

At Farooqi & Husain Law Office, our dedicated DuPage County estate planning attorneys understand the importance of creating a will before going to Hajj, and we can help you to begin creating this important document today.

Each year, we assist members of the Muslim community with the necessary task of drafting a will before leaving. Since the pilgrimage is only about one month away, it is important to get started on this process as soon as possible. Contact Farooqi & Husain Law Office today to learn more about how our advocates can help you.


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