DuPage County Fathers' Rights Attorney

Compassionate Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois Fathers' Rights Lawyers Serving DuPage County and Cook County
As gender roles continue to evolve, divorce courts are seeing more and more fathers who truly want to remain actively involved in the lives of their children post-divorce. Even those fathers who may barely be able to remain in the same room with their ex-wives are unlikely to want to sever ties with their children. The issue of fathers' rights has gained more traction, both culturally and in the legal arena. Practically speaking, fathers have more legal options available regarding child custody and the establishment of visitation/parenting time rights. Particularly, if you and your ex both work full-time, sharing parental duties and responsibilities can really be what is best for the children.
Our DuPage County family law attorneys have a deep understanding of the issues you face as an Illinois father going through a divorce. When custody issues are added to the mix, you may be dealing with extreme levels of stress in your life during this time. Attorneys Naveed S. Husain and Ausaf Farooqi are highly skilled at crafting workable solutions to your custody issues that will preserve your important father's rights, allowing you to maintain a healthy, ongoing relationship with your children and a more amicable relationship with your ex.
Your Illinois Rights Regarding Child Custody
Many fathers may willingly cede custody of their children to their ex under the mistaken belief the Illinois court will award primary custody to the mother. While the level of parenting responsibility each parent has undertaken prior to the divorce will certainly be a factor during custody determinations, that fact by no means automatically results in the loss of rights to fathers. If both parents worked—or if only one parent worked—yet both were consistent in splitting parental duties, the father should have the same opportunity as the mother to receive shared custody.
Judges are bound only to provide a custody solution that is in the best interests of the child, and the state of Illinois seeks to ensure that children of divorce have frequent, continuous interactions with both parents. It is truly a rare occurrence that a father will be cut out of the lives of his children, as judges are unlikely to believe this is in children's best interests. The attorneys at Farooqi & Husain Law Office believe your future with your children is of the utmost importance, and we will work aggressively on your behalf to preserve that future.
Protecting Your Rights and Your Future With Your Children
As a loving, caring father who wants to remain an important figure in your children's lives following your divorce, you have the following rights:
- You are entitled to continue to love and care for your children without interference from your ex;
- You are entitled to have a say in deciding where your children will live, what school they will attend, what religion they will be a part of, and what medical care they should receive;
- You are entitled to participate in your children's school and extracurricular activities;
- You are entitled to be an ongoing presence in your children's lives and spend time with them on a regular basis; and
- You are entitled to guide and discipline your children according to your own beliefs and parenting style.
Of course, along with your parental rights, you have certain parental responsibilities. You must ensure that you share equally in the financial support of your children and that they consistently have sufficient food, clothing, and shelter. You must always protect your children from neglect or harm, and you must ensure that they have access to educational opportunities and medical treatment.
Contact Our Elmhurst Fathers' Rights Attorneys
The attorneys at Farooqi & Husain Law Office are highly skilled in negotiation and mediation tactics, yet we are also experienced with trial litigation when warranted. We will provide you with a strong advocate in your corner and make our services affordable when you most need advocacy and affordability. Our DuPage County family law attorneys are accessible, and we will go out of our way to ensure that you fully understand the legal issues you are facing. We serve clients in DuPage County, Cook County, Will County, and Kane County. Contact us today at 630-909-9114 for an evaluation of your custody situation.
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