Chicago Muslim Divorce Attorneys

Navigating Islamic Divorce Matters with Focus, Precision, and Care in DuPage and Cook Counties
The pillars of the Islamic faith are solid, and every Muslim should be represented honorably by a skilled family law attorney in times of turmoil. At Farooqi & Husain Law Office, we respect the sanctity of marriage, but we also understand that sometimes a husband and wife may decide to end their union by seeking a divorce. Our Chicago Islamic divorce lawyers put forth great effort to ensure that all dealings in matters of separation or divorce are in accordance with the Qur'an. Our family law attorneys are skilled in Islamic divorce topics, and we handle each matter with reverence and accuracy.
We represent husbands or wives seeking divorce, offering solutions such as mediation or collaborative law to avoid lengthy, emotional court battles. Even in the midst of challenging circumstances, we find peaceable, equitable options that consider the best interests of the families we serve. Our Chicago Islamic divorce team has great success in helping clients find common ground in amicable settings.
Honorable Divorce Representation of Muslim Spouses in Chicago, IL
Our firm works with Islamic scholars to ensure that all aspects of Muslim divorce are in accordance with Sharia law. Often, clients have questions about how to handle property division, inheritances, allocation of parental responsibilities (child custody), parenting time (visitation), child support, and spousal maintenance. We have a reputation for educating our clients to promote the understanding of what is required by our faith as well as the potential impact of Illinois laws.
Seeking Equitable Property Division in Islamic Divorce Proceedings
In Illinois, marital property is subject to equitable division. This does not refer to an equal distribution of property. Rather, it focuses on what is just. The Islamic divorce lawyers at Farooqi & Husain Law Office are skilled in litigation and mediation, and we are able to handle a variety of issues that are not always clear-cut in nature. Some of the complex matters we handle include:
- Mahr - Depending on the circumstances, including the type of divorce and the initiator, a wife may be able to keep the entire Mahr, a portion of it, or be subject to full or partial reimbursement. We can help you pursue a just solution to settling this premarital bridal gift.
- High Net Worth Divorce - Extensive financial portfolios, real estate holdings, and business ventures require skilled handling. We understand your concerns, and we have a great reputation for protecting our clients' assets.
- Maintenance/Alimony - Although some scholars may disagree about whether the Islamic faith provides for spousal support paid by an ex-husband to an ex-wife, we are ready to help you explore the best options available in the state of Illinois while ensuring you follow the proper religious tenets.
- Hidden Assets - Our attorneys work with forensic accountants and other financial professionals to ensure that all marital assets are included to promote fairness and equity.
At Farooqi & Husain Law Office, we are experienced in Islamic law and Illinois laws. We will work to bring about a result that honors your faith while complying with applicable state statutes.
Skilled Insight into Children's Issues in an Islamic Divorce
Our Chicago Muslim divorce attorneys will protect the best interests of your children and your individual rights as a parent. Working with both sides, we can help reach sensible agreements regarding parenting time and parental decision-making. In addition, our extensive experience in estate planning will help ensure that your heirs are properly provided for in the divorce agreement and any subsequent post-divorce modifications.
Contact an Experienced DuPage County Islamic Divorce Lawyer
If you require representation to handle all aspects of a divorce as required by Islamic and state law, we are qualified to help. There is a delicate balance to be found in such matters. We have the knowledge and skill to ease your concerns and protect your future. Contact our reputable attorneys today by calling 630-909-9114. We serve clients in the city of Chicago and the surrounding areas of DuPage County, Cook County, Will County, and Kane County, including Oak Brook, Oakbrook Terrace, Hinsdale, and Elmhurst.
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