DuPage County Divorce Mediation Attorney

Oakbrook Terrace Lawyer for Divorce Mediation in DuPage County and Cook County
Spouses who are going through a divorce may encounter multiple different types of contentious disputes, and determining how to resolve all of the legal issues involved in the end of their marriage can be difficult. When spouses take an adversarial approach to divorce and engage in legal battles in the courtroom, this can cause the divorce process to become much more expensive, and a case may take longer to resolve. In many cases, neither spouse may be fully satisfied with the results, and due to the time, costs, and stress of the process, they may struggle to move forward with their lives once they have finalized their divorce. For those who are looking to minimize conflict and find cooperative solutions, mediation can be a much more beneficial method of addressing divorce-related issues.
Farooqi & Husain Law Office works with divorcing spouses in multiple different types of cases, and we understand the benefits of taking a cooperative approach to resolving disputes. We understand that mediation can be especially beneficial in an Islamic divorce, since it will allow spouses to address religious and cultural issues correctly as they proceed with the process of ending their marriage. We provide mediation services and act as neutral facilitators for couples who need to resolve legal issues in their divorce, and we can also provide representation for spouses who are participating in mediation and need to make sure their rights and interests will be protected in the decisions they make.
How Does Divorce Mediation Work?
During mediation, spouses will work together to negotiate a settlement that addresses different issues that must be resolved before their marriage can be legally dissolved. A neutral mediator will guide them through productive discussions, advise them on how the laws apply to their specific situation, and work to defuse conflict. While the mediator may have legal training as an attorney, they will not represent or advocate on behalf of either spouse, and they will instead serve as a neutral third party. All decisions will be made by the spouses themselves, and they will need to be in full agreement on all of the terms in their divorce settlement.
In many cases, the only parties involved in mediation sessions will be the two spouses and the mediator. However, if either spouse is concerned about their ability to discuss issues peacefully or protect their rights during negotiations, the spouses may agree to have their attorneys present during mediation. The mediation process is focused on cooperation, and by working together and considering each other's needs and desires, a couple can create an agreement that will be beneficial for both of them and ensure that they will be able to move forward with their lives after completing their divorce.
Mediation can provide many benefits, and in many cases, it will allow a couple to complete their divorce more quickly and efficiently. If a couple has children, the mediation process can encourage them to cooperate as they make decisions about child custody, and this can help them make sure they will be able to continue working together as co-parents after their divorce has been completed. Mediation is completely confidential, and spouses can discuss all of their legal issues honestly and raise any concerns that they may have. Mediation can provide a greater degree of control, and by crafting mutually agreeable solutions, both spouses can be fully satisfied with the decisions made in their settlement. Once the mediation process is complete, a couple will simply need to attend a court hearing where their settlement will be approved by a judge and their marriage will be legally terminated.
Contact Our Oakbrook Terrace Divorce Mediation Lawyers
If you believe mediation will be the best approach to take during your divorce, Farooqi & Husain Law Office can help you complete this process successfully, or we can provide you with representation during negotiations, ensuring that you understand your rights and that your divorce settlement will properly address your needs and desires. Contact our office today at 630-909-9114 to learn more about our divorce mediation services. We represent clients in DuPage County, Cook County, Will County, and Kane County.
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