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Top Five Reasons for Divorce

 Posted on October 14, 2017 in Illinois Family Law

Illinois divorce attorneyWhy do most people in DuPage County file for divorce? We often hear about couples deciding to get divorced after years of marriage, and sometimes the reasons are unclear. While every family’s situation is unique, there are sometimes similarities among the causes for divorce. We have gathered some facts about frequent reasons for divorce from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), MSN, and Divorce Magazine. Many of the top causes for divorce trend across these resources, and we have collected them for you here.

1. Lack of Commitment and/or Support for the Spouse and to the Marriage

Many couples who get divorced cite a lack of commitment from the other spouse—either to the marriage in general, or to the educational, professional, and/or personal goals of the other spouse. According to the MSN article, about 73 percent of couples who get divorced cite a lack of commitment from the other spouse as one of the reasons they filed for divorce. About 62 percent of those spouses indicate that they wished their spouse would have tried harder to make the marriage work, and anywhere from 21 percent to 37 percent of those spouses also blame themselves, wishing they had made their commitment to the marriage clearer.

2. Communication Problems, Conflict, and Frequent Arguments

The research published by the NIH cites conflict and arguing as one of the most commonly reported “major contributors to divorce.” Indeed, more than 50 percent of divorcing (or already divorced spouses) say that “too much arguing” played a key role in their decision to get divorced.

3. Substance Abuse and Addiction Issues

Sometimes issues in a marriage—such as lack of commitment or conflict—are presented as common contributing factors to divorce, while others are depicted as “final straw reasons,” according to the NIH research. Substance abuse and addiction are among these “final straw reasons,” and they are often accompanied by instances of domestic violence. As the Divorce Magazine article clarifies, substance abuse can take many forms, from alcohol abuse to addiction to illegal substances to gambling addictions. In total, MSN cites addiction and abuse as the reason for nearly 30 percent of all divorces.

4. Infidelity or Adultery

Infidelity happens in more marriages than you might think. Some couples work through an incident of infidelity, but it often leads to divorce. About 55 percent of couples cite infidelity or adultery as a contributing factor to their decision to dissolve the marriage.

5. Financial Problems

Sometimes a lack of money contributes to marital difficulties, including frequent arguments. Yet financial problems in a marriage are not always the result of having too little money. Simply being incompatible financially—e.g., spending money in different ways, using money for different goals—can be a major reason for divorce. As Divorce Magazine underscores, “a spendthrift and a frugal penny-pincher are going to argue even if there is more than enough money coming into the household.”

Contact a DuPage County Divorce Attorney

Divorces happen for many different reasons. Sometimes common contributing factors affect a marriage, while in some cases the motivations for divorce are particular to a family’s unique situation. A dedicated DuPage County divorce lawyer at our firm can speak with you about your options today. We have years of experience helping Muslims with various divorce matters and can get started on your case. Contact Farooqi & Husain Law Office to learn more about how we can help you.



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