Chicago Muslim Family Law Attorneys

Balancing Culture, Muslim Faith and Islamic Principles with the U.S. Legal System in DuPage County and Cook County
When your family is going through a difficult legal matter, you deserve responsible representation from an attorney who is sensitive to your needs. For Muslims, these needs often go beyond legal knowledge and courtroom skill. At Farooqi & Husain Law Office, our attorneys fully understand that many Muslims are guided by their faith and the principles of Sharia law. While it can be challenging to incorporate the pillars of Islam into divorce settlements and child-related arrangements, we can help Muslim families find favorable resolutions to their most complex family law concerns.
Chicago Muslim Divorce Lawyers
A divorce is one of the most difficult experiences of any person's life, and Muslims are no exception. Islamic tradition places a great deal of importance on the sanctity of marriage, as do our attorneys. We realize, however, that, in some cases, divorce may become necessary for a variety of reasons. Our family law attorneys are sensitive to the needs of Muslim families in the divorce process and are proud to help them find Sharia-compliant solutions that address the physical, financial, personal, and spiritual needs of each party.
Attorneys Naveed S. Husain and Ausaf Farooqi are fully versed in Illinois divorce and family law. We are also proud of our faith, and we intimately understand the role that it plays in the lives of many Muslims. As with many other cultures, Muslim families are often very close, and a divorce can affect more than just the spouses and children. Parents, grandparents, and even business associates may be impacted as well. At our firm, we are sensitive to the family-related needs of our clients, and we approach each case with compassion and sensitivity.
Finding Common Ground for Muslim Families in Oak Brook
In order for your divorce or child custody agreement to be enforceable, it needs to meet the standards set forth by Illinois law. Developing an agreement that does so while respecting a Muslim's faith and religious principles can be difficult. At our law firm, we promote an understanding of what our faith requires in addition to the possible impact of Illinois family law statutes. We also realize that religious considerations often create priorities for Muslim families that secular laws may not address. Our attorneys are skilled in finding solutions that both honor your faith and respect the laws of the state.
Speak With a DuPage County Muslim Family Lawyer Today
If you are a member of the Arab, Indian, or South Asian community in Northern Illinois, and you are dealing with a family law issue, contact our office. Call 630-909-9114 for a consultation at Farooqi & Husain Law Office today. We are proud to serve the needs of Muslim families throughout the Chicago region, including Cook County, DuPage County, Will County, Kane County, and the surrounding areas.
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