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Adoption in Illinois
Are you considering adoption in DuPage County? Adoptions can be extremely complicated, and as such, it is important to speak with an experienced DuPage County family law attorney. Yet just because adoption is complicated does not mean that this is not a valuable route to pursue. Indeed, according to a fact sheet from the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), more than 15,000 children have been adopted in Illinois in the last decade, allowing those children to have a permanent home while also providing the adoptive parents with the same rights and responsibilities as biological parents.
What are some common issues surrounding adoption in Illinois with which you should familiarize yourself?
Who Can Adopt a Child in Illinois?
Adoptions in DuPage County are governed by the Illinois Adoption Act (750 ILCS 50/). Under this statute, a person may be eligible to adopt a child if they meet the following requirements:
How Do I Know If I Need a Will?
When you are considering whether you need to make a will, it is important to think carefully about your assets and where you want them to go when you are no longer living. For most members of the Muslim community in DuPage County, it is extremely important to make a will. If you do not have a will at the time of death, then your assets will be distributed according to Illinois intestacy laws.
These laws are complicated, and they can prevent your assets from being distributed according to your wishes. While many people assume they only need to make a will if they have real property, any assets at all can be subject to Illinois intestacy laws at the time of death. By making a will, however, you can ensure that your property goes to the parties to whom you planned to leave it—whether it is your children or a neighborhood nonprofit foundation.
Do You Have Intended Beneficiaries Who Are Not Close Family Members?
2017 Child Support Laws: What Is Shared Parenting Time under the New Law?
If you are in the process of getting divorced in Oakbrook Terrace, you already may know about changes to Illinois family laws regarding child support. In brief, under Illinois law (750 ILCS 5/), child support has been determined based on a percentage-based model (or formula) that looks at the number of children for whom support is awarded, and the payor and payee parents are determined by who has primary physical custody of the child. For each child, a certain percentage of the payor parent’s income is the amount of child support awarded. However, as you may know, there have been a number of changes to family and divorce law in Illinois over the last year or so, and one of those changes concerns child custody. Parents are no longer awarded legal and/or physical custody, but instead, those terms have been replaced with “parental responsibilities” and “parenting time.”
Why is this important for child support? Another major change to the law concerns how child support is determined, and the new law will take effect in July 2017. When July 2017 rolls around, how will “parenting time” have an impact on the amount of child support paid?
Top Five Questions to Ask Your Divorce Attorney
At Farooqi & Husain Law Office, we have been assisting clients for years with a wide variety of family law matters, and we are committed to helping members of the Muslim community in DuPage County who have questions about filing for divorce and need representation. We understand how difficult a divorce can be even under the best circumstances, and we also know how important it is that your voice and needs be heard. In DuPage County, the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (750 ILCS 5/) governs most aspects of divorce, including property division, spousal maintenance, and child custody. We regularly represent clients who have concerns about property division and finances, as well as those whose primary concerns deal with the allocation of parental responsibilities and other matters involving your children.
In DuPage County, the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (750 ILCS 5/) governs most aspects of divorce, including property division, spousal maintenance, and child custody. We regularly represent clients who have concerns about property division and finances, as well as those whose primary concerns deal with the allocation of parental responsibilities and other matters involving your children.
The Illinois Divorce Process
When you are served with divorce papers in DuPage County, you are likely to have many questions about the next stages of the Illinois divorce process and how they will impact you. Whenever you are going through a divorce, it is extremely important to have an experienced DuPage County divorce attorney on your side. At Farooqi & Husain Law Office, we have years of experience helping members of the Muslim community in Oakbrook Terrace and surrounding areas, and we can speak with you about your case today.
In the meantime, it is a good idea to have a basic understanding of the steps that will follow after you have been served with divorce papers in Illinois.
Filing a Written Response to the Petition for Divorce
If you were served with divorce papers, this means that your spouse already has filed a petition for dissolution of marriage, which is required to begin the process of divorce under the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (IMDMA). The IMDMA recently underwent some substantial changes, including the abolition of “grounds for divorce.” As such, the petition for dissolution of marriage filed by your spouse need not set forth any grounds for divorce under the way. Instead, Illinois is now what is known as a “no fault” state when it comes to divorce. This allows either spouse to file a petition for dissolution of marriage following a six-month period of living “separate and apart,” as long other specific requirements have been met.
Decision to Divorce: What Comes Next?
In Illinois divorce cases, it is very important that you work with a dedicated Oakbrook Terrace family law attorney from the start of your case to ensure that all divorce matters are handled smoothly. It is a good idea to have a better understanding about how the divorce process will work. At Farooqi & Husain Law Office, we are committed to providing family law services to members of the Muslim community, and we can answer your questions about divorce today.
If you want to divorce your spouse, there are some key features of Illinois divorce that you should learn more about.
Have You Met the Requirements to File for Divorce?
Illinois family law underwent some major changes recently, and those revisions are reflected in the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (IMDMA). There are no longer substantial requirements in order to file for divorce in Illinois, but there are some requirements that are important to meet. First, a person who files for divorce no longer needs to prove that there are “grounds for divorce.” Grounds for divorce have been eliminated from Illinois law, meaning that a person simply can file for divorce under a “no-fault theory” of irreconcilable differences.
What to Expect at an Immigration Interview
Going through the immigration process can be difficult and anxiety-inducing, particularly for many members of the DuPage County Muslim community. We would like to focus on one aspect of the immigration process that many DuPage County residents have questions about: the immigration interview. Once you have applied for permanent resident status in the U.S. (also known as applying for a green card), you will begin a series of steps that likely will culminate in an interview with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). We know that an in-person interview can produce fear among many people who are new to this country, but we want to emphasize that this is a standard part of the “adjustment of status” procedure that can result in you becoming a permanent resident of the United States.
What should you expect to happen at this interview?
Understand that USCIS Interviews Are a Normal Part of the Process
Immigration Filing Fees to Increase
How much does it cost to file an immigration application or petition in the United States? Regardless of what those fees used to cost, they will rise this December. According to a news release from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the fees required for most immigration applications and petitions will increase, and those new fees take effect as of December 23, 2016. The fees may impact immigrants who are seeking certain benefits. At Farooqi & Husain Law Office, we are here to help Muslims in Oakbrook Terrace who have questions about immigration fees and other matters related to immigration applications and petitions.
Learning More about the Immigration Fee Increases
As the news release explains, USCIS will raise its fees, based on a final rule published in the Federal Register back in October, in an effort to provide additional funding to the agency. Specifically, the news release notes that “USCIS is almost entirely funded by the fees paid by applications and petitions for immigration benefits,” and in order to keep up with costs, federal law requires that USCIS review its fee schedule every two years to “determine the funding levels necessary to administer the nation’s immigration laws, process benefit requests, and provide the infrastructure needed to support those activities.”
What Is the One Step Process in Immigration?
Applying for a green card, or permanent resident status, in the United States can be a complicated process. Indeed, no matter what your current immigration status or that of a family member, the intricacies of immigration law can be frustrating and difficult to comprehend. Given that there are many members of the Muslim community in DuPage County that are learning more about the process of obtaining a green card, it is important to understand how the process works and whether you might be eligible for a “One Step Process.”
At Farooqi & Husain Law Office, we are committed to helping Muslims throughout DuPage County with all immigration law issues. One of our experienced Oakbrook Terrace immigration attorneys can speak with you about your case today.
Applying for a Green Card
As the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website explains, there are a number of different steps a person can take toward becoming a permanent resident of the United States, or a holder of a green card. The path you take largely will depend upon whether you are currently living in the United States. The primary avenues toward obtaining a green card include the following:
New Child Support Changes in Illinois Effective July 1, 2017
If you are in the process of filing for divorce in Illinois or are dealing with issues of child custody and child support, it is important to pay attention to changes in the law that will take effect on July 1, 2017. The changes to the law will impact the ways in which child support payments are calculated, and as such are likely to alter the ways in which residential parents must be responsible for playing a role in the financial support of the child in connection with the non-custodial parent. At Farooqi & Husain Law Office, we have years of experience assisting members of the Muslim community with complex legal issues concerning divorce and child support. We are here to help with your case today.
Learning More about the Changes to Illinois Child Support Law
Current Illinois child support rules under 750 ILCS 5/505 and 750 ILCS 5/510 follow a form that has become familiar in many states across the country: what is known as a “percentage of income” formula that determines that a child support payment will be based on the net income of the non-residential, or non-custodial, parent. Based on the net income of that parent, the amount of child support is standardized according to the number of children for whom support is owed. Currently, this is how child support determinations work: