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Addressing Divorce-Related Emotional Issues During the Holidays
For most people, the holiday season is a time to experience and share joy and love while spending time together with their loved ones. However, if you are going through a divorce or have recently been divorced, this time of year can be particularly challenging. The emotions that come with divorce can be intensified during the holidays, especially if you have had to give up certain family traditions, are feeling lonely and isolated, or will be able to spend less time with your children during the season than you had in the past. By addressing these issues, you can begin to move forward after the difficult process of divorce, and you can take steps to have a more peaceful and enjoyable holiday season this year and in the years to come.
As you address emotional concerns related to your divorce, an experienced attorney can help you make sure legal issues that affect you and your family will be handled correctly. As you begin to heal during and after your divorce, you can take the following steps to make sure you will be able to have a positive holiday season:
5 Ways Parents Can Protect Their Children During a Divorce
The divorce process is rarely easy, but it can be especially hard on children. As parents navigate through the challenges of divorce, including making adjustments to living arrangements, separating their finances, and establishing new routines, it is crucial to prioritize the well-being and protection of their children. An experienced attorney can play a crucial role in addressing issues related to divorce and child custody. In addition to handling legal concerns, parents will want to make sure their children are protected as much as possible. Here are some ways parents can ensure the safety and emotional stability of their children during this challenging time:
1. Shield Children From Conflict
A high-conflict divorce can have lasting negative effects on children's mental health and their overall well-being. Therefore, it is essential to shield children from contentious discussions or arguments between parents whenever possible. Parents may need to avoid discussing any divorce-related issues while at home so that they can avoid arguments that children may overhear. Negotiations of their parenting plan or other aspects of their divorce settlement may need to be handled through their attorneys to ensure that conflict can be minimized.
What Are the Benefits of Pursuing a Collaborative Divorce?
When a married couple’s relationship breaks down, it may be best for everyone involved to end the marriage. However, the process of dissolving a marriage through divorce can be difficult. Traditional divorce proceedings can be adversarial, time-consuming, and expensive. However, there is an alternative approach that can offer couples a more amicable way to end their marriage: collaborative divorce. If you are considering using collaborative law to negotiate a settlement in your divorce, an attorney who has experience with this process can provide the guidance and legal representation you need.
The Basics of Collaborative Divorce
In a collaborative divorce, both parties work together with their respective attorneys to reach mutually agreeable solutions without going to court. This process encourages open communication and cooperation between spouses, aiming for a resolution that meets the needs and interests of everyone involved.
Do I Need a QDRO to Divide Retirement Assets in My Divorce?
A divorce will involve a variety of complex issues. As you work to separate your life from your spouse, you will need to determine how to divide your marital property. The decisions made about ownership of different assets can have a significant impact on your financial stability both immediately after your divorce and in the years to come. One area that requires careful consideration is the division of retirement assets. If you or your spouse have retirement accounts, such as a 401(k) or IRA, or if you earn pension benefits, you may need to use a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) to divide these assets. An attorney who has experience addressing complex financial issues related to divorce can provide guidance on the use of QDROs and other aspects of the asset division process.
What Is a QDRO?
A Qualified Domestic Relations Order is a court order that allows transfers from retirement plans during a divorce without the requirement to pay taxes or fees for the early withdrawal of funds. It establishes an alternate payee's right to receive benefits payable under a retirement plan. In simpler terms, a QDRO ensures that both parties receive their fair share of any retirement benefits accumulated during the marriage.
What Can and Cannot Be Addressed in a Prenuptial Agreement?
A prenuptial agreement, commonly known as a "prenup," is a legal contract that a couple will create and sign before they get married. These agreements may outline how certain financial matters will be handled in the event of divorce or the death of either spouse. While a prenup can provide many benefits, it is crucial for a couple to ensure that it will be valid and legally enforceable. Including terms in a prenuptial agreement that violate the law could potentially result in the entire agreement being found to be invalid. When planning to get married and determining what should be included in a prenup, it is important to work with an attorney to ensure that the appropriate language is used and that both parties understand how the terms of the agreement will affect them.
What Can Be Addressed in a Prenuptial Agreement
In general, prenups are limited to making decisions about financial issues, including the income, assets, and debts of each party both before and after they are married. A prenuptial agreement may address:
Can I Receive Sole Custody of My Children in My Divorce?
The process of getting a divorce can be challenging, no matter your situation. When you have children, the end of your marriage can provoke disputes over issues such as where children will live and how you will make decisions about medical care, education, and other concerns. If you have handled most of the child-related duties during your marriage, you may believe that you should have sole custody of your children. While sole custody may be possible in certain situations, it is important to understand that obtaining sole custody is not always easy, and most of the time, courts prefer for parents to share joint custody. An experienced attorney can provide guidance on whether sole custody may be an option for you.
The Best Interests of the Child
In Illinois, the “best interests of the child” is the top priority in a family law case involving child custody. This means that decisions about custody must focus on solutions that will provide a stable and nurturing environment for children.
UPDATE: How Is Mahr Addressed in an Islamic Divorce in Illinois?
Originally published: May 17, 2021 -- Updated: September 12, 2023
Update: As described below, an Islamic marriage contract will sometimes be treated as a prenuptial agreement during an Islamic divorce. For Muslim couples who may choose to get divorced, it is important to understand what terms can be included in a prenuptial agreement (prenup). An experienced attorney can help them understand how the terms of mahr may be enforced by an Illinois court during the divorce process.
Here are some key areas that a prenuptial agreement can address in Illinois:
Property division: One of the primary purposes of a prenup is to determine how property will be divided if a marriage ends in divorce. In Illinois, marital property is typically divided equitably between spouses based on factors such as the contributions each spouse has made during the marriage and the economic circumstances of each spouse at the time of divorce. A well-drafted prenup or marriage contract can override this default rule and specify how assets should be distributed.
Is Equal Property Division Required in an Illinois Divorce?
Of the various issues that must be resolved during a divorce, the division of marital property can be particularly challenging. In Illinois, the law states that marital property should be divided equitably between spouses in a divorce. However, this does not necessarily mean that all property will be split exactly equally. By understanding what factors will be considered when dividing marital assets, divorcing spouses make sure they are addressing this issue correctly, and they can make sure their rights will be protected as they make financial decisions and work to dissolve their marriages.
Marital Property vs. Separate Property
In Illinois divorces, not all property is subject to division between spouses. Only marital property will be considered when it comes to equitable distribution. Marital property refers to assets acquired during the course of the marriage, regardless of which spouse obtained them. Debts accrued by either spouse must also be divided during the divorce process.
5 Tips for Self-Care When Going Through a Divorce
Getting a divorce can be one of the most challenging and emotionally draining experiences you may experience during your life. It is a time filled with uncertainty, stress, and significant changes. As you proceed with your divorce, it is crucial to prioritize self-care to ensure your physical, mental, and emotional well-being remains intact. Here are some valuable tips on how to take care of yourself while navigating the divorce process:
1. Seek Legal Help
The first step towards self-care during divorce is reaching out for professional help. Consult an experienced divorce lawyer who understands the intricacies of family law in Illinois and who can guide you through every step of the process. An attorney from Farooqi & Husain Law Office will not only offer invaluable legal advice, but they help ease stress during this trying time by advising you on what steps you can take to achieve your goals.
2. Prioritize Your Mental Health
Divorce will often involve many different emotions, such as anger, sadness, grief, and anxiety. It is essential to give yourself permission to feel these emotions without judgment or guilt. By prioritizing your mental health, you can determine the best ways to deal with these emotions. Some beneficial ways of doing so include:
What Is Parental Alienation, and How Does it Affect Child Custody?
Parental alienation describes a situation in which a parent attempts to manipulate or influence a child to view the other parent negatively or take sides in disputes between parents. These actions can take place during a bitter divorce or child custody battle. This behavior can have a detrimental impact on a child’s relationship with both of their parents and their overall well-being. In fact, parental alienation can be so detrimental to a child that it is considered child abuse in some cases. A parent will need to understand how they can address this type of behavior by an ex-spouse or ex-partner, and they may need to take legal action to ensure that their child’s best interests will be protected.
What Exactly Is Parental Alienation?
Parental alienation can take many forms, including speaking negatively about the other parent in front of the child, limiting contact or visitation with the other parent, or falsely claiming that the parent has engaged in abuse or neglect of the child. The purpose of parental alienation is to create a sense of loyalty or alliance with the alienating parent and damage the other parent’s relationship with the child. A parent may purposely engage in alienation in hopes of influencing decisions about child custody, or they may act in ways that harm the child’s relationship with the other parent, such as by blaming them for the couple’s divorce, complaining about their behavior, or undermining their authority when addressing child-related issues.