Muslim Prenuptial Agreement Attorneys in Oak Brook

Chicago Area Family Lawyers Knowledgeable in Sharia Law Serving Clients in DuPage County and Cook County
At Farooqi & Husain Law Office, we believe that every American citizen or resident has the right to worship as he or she chooses. For members of the Muslim community, however, doing so can be challenging, as federal and state laws often do not align with the principles of Islam and Sharia law. The statutes that pertain to marriage and divorce, in particular, frequently present difficulties for Muslim couples, and our firm is equipped to help find workable solutions in these cases.
Attorneys Naveed S. Husain and Ausaf Farooqi have helped many clients from varying backgrounds with their most complicated family law matters. With our experience and sensitivity to our clients' needs, we proudly assist Muslim couples in creating prenuptial agreements that afford each spouse the protections he or she deserves in accordance with Sharia law.
Drafting a Prenuptial Agreement in Illinois
A prenuptial agreement can be used to protect the property rights of each spouse in any marriage. Such agreements are particularly useful for Muslim couples, as they create a marriage contract that reflects their culture and their Islamic faith. Muslim marriage traditions often include the exchange of valuable gifts and lavish ceremonies. Under Illinois law, most of these gifts would be considered non-marital property, making them nearly impossible to recover in the event of a divorce.
Muslim marriages also generally include a mehr or Islamic dowry, a requirement placed on the man in many Muslim cultures. In some cases, a mehr contract can be worth $50,000 or more, but such contracts are often not enforceable under Illinois law.
At Farooqi & Husain Law Office, we encourage our clients to discuss their marriage plans with Islamic scholars. With our knowledge of Illinois law and our sensitivity to the needs of Muslim couples, we will then go to work in drafting a prenuptial agreement that can:
- Allow for the recoupment of wedding costs and gifts;
- Create an enforceable mehr contract;
- Define certain property as non-marital;
- Protect family assets and business interests; and
- Address or completely waive the right to spousal support.
Family Law Attorneys Who Understand Muslim Culture
The attorneys at our law firm offer a unique perspective to our Muslim clients. While we are fully qualified family lawyers, we recognize the importance of remaining in compliance with Islamic traditions and Sharia law. We work closely with our clients and listen to their needs with compassion and understanding. Sharia law is very different from American law in many ways, but we are equipped to help you develop solutions founded in faith and enforceable by the state of Illinois.
Contact Our Elmhurst Muslim Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers
If you are considering marriage, your first step should be meeting with your scholar. Then, contact our office and get the guidance you need from a team who understands the importance of your Islamic faith. Call 630-909-9114 to set up a consultation at Farooqi & Husain Law Office today. We are proud to serve members of the Muslim, Arab, and Desi communities throughout DuPage County, Cook County, Will County, Kane County, and Northern Illinois.
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